Прохор Шаляпин рассказал, что стал свидетелем двойного убийства

Prokhor Chaliapin became the guests of the talk show Boris Korchevnikov “live”, where he told details of his childhood, blood-curdling.

The contractor admitted that if not for the series of misfortunes that occurred in his childhood, he would hardly have exchanged his native Volgograd to Moscow.

The selling point of all events was the tragedy that occurred in the family of prochoros in his 12 years of age.

“In General, I come home to them (Shalyapin tells of his own grandmother and aunt), and I found two dead…in 12 years. 36 stab wounds in the stomach my grandmother was and my aunt was shot in the head. I’m 12 years old found that out all by your own eyes. Not only that – when I told mom about it, called the police, my parents, as the first suspects in the murder, was taken away and I was left all alone,” — said Chaliapin barely holding back tears.

“In General pretty much changed my life, these moments….because I still to this injustice “covers” because the criminals were never caught,” added the contractor.

Prokhorov explained that the crime most likely occurred on the material soil.

In the house my grandmother kept the money from the sale of the apartment, the criminals obviously knew.

“Okay, you took the money, but why kill?” — asks Chaliapin.