Прохор Шаляпин возобновил отношения с Анной Калашниковой

Anna Kalashnikov and Prokhor Chaliapin can be called the main newsmakers of the first half of this year. From the beginning of 2016 this sweet couple was preparing to legalize their relationship, but before the wedding after learning the details of the birth of his son Daniel, Prokhorov refused to marry the mother of his baby is a liar Kalashnikov. Then, according to statements made later, that the son may not be his, he knew, but Anna tried to convince him otherwise.

From the beginning of may Chaliapin and Kalashnikov kept from each other at a distance. But recently, Prokhorov and Anna more and more often appear in public, participate in various programs. As it turned out, the former beloved once again converged.

Initiated the resumption of relations was a singer. He took the first step by writing to Anna that he misses, though not by native, but a favorite son: “I began to cook for Dan, showed shared pictures, told me that dad will come soon. During the meeting I took a little on his hands and explained to him that it was my father, he is now again will be next”.

By the way, Chaliapin has plans for Anna. As he told the press he plans to reconcile with his family ex-girlfriend and even stay with them for the holidays.