Прохор Шаляпин отдыхает с новой девушкой

Prokhor Chaliapin and female rather complicated subject to discuss.

The well-known story with marriage to Larisa Kopenkina, continued the affair with Anna Kalashnikova and the birth of his son Daniel, which later turned out to be not my own child musician.

While Kalashnikov was hiding the truth from everyone about who the real biological father of Daniel, Chaliapin to heal the wounds in solitude in his native Voronezh on the picturesque banks of the don.

Slightly adjusting your emotional and mental state, a scandalous performer of Russian songs returned to the capital, where it has already been seen in the company of a new girl.

In microblog Prokhorov published a photo with the blonde. The post was accompanied by the comment: “having Lunch on the veranda at our favorite restaurant”.

It turned out that the girl in the picture is a colleague and good friend of Prokhorov Ekaterina Silitski.

Many fans Chaliapin said that he and Catherine look great, but warned him not to start a new novel, while the heart is still in the wounds.

To the question, what kind of relationship he had with the girl, the singer did not answer.

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