Прохор Шаляпин преподнес кольцо любимой женщине The actor made a surprise for a close person. Prokhor Chaliapin decided to give jewelry as a token of apology for all his misdeeds. Now a graduate of “star Factory” spends time in Sochi on vacation.

      Прохор Шаляпин преподнес кольцо любимой женщине

      The graduate of “factory of stars” Prokhor Chaliapin not so long ago broke off the engagement and cancelled the wedding with his beloved Anna Kalashnikova. After the program “Let them talk” as a result of the DNA test revealed that year-old son Daniel were he not native. In the end, Prokhorov could not accept the betrayal of lady and literally a few weeks before the wedding ceremony decided that the wedding will not take place. Chaliapin and Kalashnikov lost millions because of cancelled wedding

      Anna and Prokhor painfully experienced this situation – the former lovers had placed sentimental publication in the accounts of its microblogging, which demonstrated to others that they are hard to recover from such a blow of fate. Each of them was looking for a way to as quickly as possible to experience the deepest depression.

      Prokhor Chaliapin was supported by his friends, who believed that the young man was brutally deceived by the bride. Now, two months later, the graduate of “factory of stars” re-realized who is the main woman in his life. In gratitude, he presented elegant jewelry mother.

      “I took mom to Sochi to have a rest and decided to give her a ring for no reason. I wanted to ask forgiveness for all his antics. I realized that she was the one person that I will never betray. It is necessary to make such gifts to those who I truly belong to,” said the “StarHit” Chaliapin.

      Now Prokhorov and Elena hanging out at the resort. Celebrity mom son grateful for such a generous surprises. The actor was glad of the time that he spends time close to the most native and close person.

      “Mom I have a man discreet and not expressing their emotions violently. But I can see by your eyes that she’s happy. For me it’s the most important thing,” added the graduate of “factory of stars”.

      Recent Chaliapin intriguing their fans quite candid snapshot in microblog ex-fiancée of a deceased friend tims brick Jana Gribkowsky. Young people spend a lot of time in the company of each other, but so far have not commented on their relationship. Fans recognized Ian and Prochorus really beautiful couple and I hope they catch a glimpse of a whirlwind romance.

      Prokhor Chaliapin shocking passion for new friend

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