Принц Гарри встречается с копией Кейт Миддлтон

Somehow a few months ago during the interview Prince Harry stated that he dreams about children and family, and if you believe the Western media, he has all the chances to implement their plans in the near future. Darling crowned Harry became an American actress Meghan Markle, who is incredibly similar to the daughter-in-law of the Prince – consort, his brother William to Kate Middleton.

Rumors about their affair runs for a few months, and recently the couple was spotted with the same bracelets – a sure sign confirming this. Markle has demonstrated the decoration on his page on Instagram 20 more October. She purchased it (or received as a gift) during his recent trip to the UK. Wonderful big-eyed fans remembered that exactly the same bracelet has also been demonstrated by Harry in the spring of this year. The decoration also was it during a five-day visit to Nepal.
Fans of the Prince believe that he gave the same as his, bracelet actress to emphasize their interest.
Publishing the Sunday Express reports that Harry Markle was found in Toronto in may of this year at the Invictus Games, soon after that, they began to interact closely on a private page Prince in the social network. It is reported that Harry and Megan were not interested in the extra sensation, and because the affair kept quiet. This however, does not mean that their romance is not serious, even very opposite.
Earlier, Harry dated Chelsea Davy and Cressida Bonas. Markle married Trevor Angelzoom, which quietly divorced in August 2013.
Representatives of the Prince and the actress have not yet given a response to the request of journalists.