The grandson of the Queen’s plans after the wedding to deal with the replenishment of the family.
Prince Harry and Megan mark
Although now Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle
busy preparing for his wedding, which will take place very soon — in may, the grandson of the Queen has found time to
to think about where to go with your favorite after the ceremony. According to available information, the Prince plans immediately after the wedding to leave with his beloved on one of the
The Caribbean Islands of Nevis, located 350 kilometers
South-East of Puerto Rico.
The main problem that had to solve Harry
and Megan find a place where they would not annoy
reporters, and they could enjoy their honeymoon. Originally
the Prince was thinking about going with a favorite in Botswana — a place where he invited
Megan just two weeks after they met and where they had since returned
more than once. After all, as repeatedly admitted the Prince, Botswana is one of his most
favorite places on the planet.
But later Harry decided that Nevis will be easier
to ensure a relaxing stay and defend against the unwelcome intrusion of strangers. Besides
well, the Prince remained on Nevis fondest memories, because it
visited here twice. Moreover, the first time he visited the island as a child,
when vacationing here with his beloved mother — Princess Diana. And in 2016 he was here
again — during his official tour to the Caribbean. And Harry could
make sure that this place he has not ceased to like it.
Incidentally, as the Prince confessed
one of his friends, after the wedding, during the honeymoon, he plans to tackle
by furnishing the offspring. After all, Harry has long said that it is ready
to be a father. And in his interview he gave after the engagement in November
last year, the Prince, in answer to a question about his plans for the replenishment of the family
right answer: “of Course, we are bound to be children. Not right now
of course. But in the very near future — certainly!”