Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица
Presenter presenter in December this year will celebrate the 40th anniversary. Lena always had to hide the true face under layers of makeup.

Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица

Although even with makeup it was obvious that it is far from ideal.

Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица

What is Elena real problems became clear by the pictures and videos taken during a holiday in the Maldives.

Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица

Lena is clearly hiding his face from the sun’s rays – it is much whiter than the skin of the chest and neck.

Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица

What in all the photos used filter is “Perfect skin”, when the picture blurs all the lines and everything is smooth, almost porcelain.

However, it looks not really natural.

Лена Летучая скрывает проблемную кожу лица

But that’s another story.