Беременная Собчак показала, как сейчас выглядит в купальнике

The presenter finally said “Yes!” and ceased to hide the tummy.

The Susie fans were outraged that she posted in Instagram a photo in a swimsuit since last vacation, where pregnancy is no hint. What are you, Ksenia? We want to be happy, and you… Sobchak if he could read thoughts 3 million subscribers and has proved that it is in position.

Such delicate Xenia we see for the first time. Future mother in swimsuit, looks in the frame and with one hand holds the tummy.

The public breathed a sigh of relief, ” finally! Sobchak is not a free dress, not covering the abdomen with a clutch, by hand, it is not disguised, and happy and pregnant! Masquerade with costumes and old photographs over.

Fans of Susie on the responded immediately. In less than an hour she sent more than 500 congratulations.

“Yay, still pregnant! May God give you strong and healthy toddler”, – vying want the subscribers Ksenia.

And as one note that the expecting a baby presenter had flourished madly prettier, and with what tenderness appeared in his eyes… that’s what can make motherhood even with wordsmiths and show business.

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