Беременная Мила Кунис налегает на сладкое
The actress made a remarkable recovery.

Mila Kunis

Photo: Legion-media

Recently Mila kunis was seen exiting a popular in Los Angeles
pastry shop with a big box in his hands. And the actress looked absolutely
happy. As you can see, unlike many future stars moms (among
which was, for example, Anne Hathaway), she’s not afraid of much
getting fat during pregnancy. As can be seen, the actress is so confident in the feelings
her husband, Ashton Kutcher, that she does not come to mind thought, that if
she’s gonna spoil the figure, it can fall out of love.

Coming from a place called Susie Cake is quite lovely, holding
the cake to his chest, walked to the car where she was waiting for Kutcher. But then
there is a little difficulty. The thing
that Ashton, while his wife purchased the sweets, not too well parked
your car, so solid tummy Mila did not allow her to squeeze in
not until the end of the opened door. So he had to drive the car away,
to kunis was able to crawl inside. This was told to the reporter of Hollywood Life website, which has gone
to be present at this stage.

The child, who now bears kunis, needs to be born already
very soon. That their family expected completion, it became known in
June, when the actress’s representative confirmed her pregnancy. And the actress
said that although this will be her second child, after the upcoming birth, she is not
going to stop there.

Mila and Ashton love my almost
two year-old daughter, whom they had given a boy’s name Uayett, and the beginning
planned that she will not remain their only offspring. “Literally
a second later after Uayett was born, I was already sure
that certainly face at least one more child. And when I have second,
we can think about another one… I’m sure I’ll feel when I’m
you need to stop…” he told Mila.