Mila kunis and Ashton Kutcher have been familiar with since adolescence. Then young people could not be called even friends. They also had exclusively friendly relations. The life of each of them proceeded independently from each other.
For many years, Mila met with the star of the Christmas Comedy “home Alone,” and Ashton has found his happiness in the face of demi Moore. However, the Union did not last long.
In 2012, both kunis and Kutcher – was again alone and then life again brought them together. Now it was a friendly relationship, are much stronger than ever. Mila and Ashton have shared with each other all the mysteries of his life, but later realized that they share much more: “”for some time our agreement worked. Moreover, from time to time saying each other: “you Know, today I have a date”. And continued to believe that it is better to be alone that they no longer can afford to make a mistake. Ashton for quite a long time went crazy after he left demi. Yes, and I was afraid of a new relationship after nine years of living with Macaulay…”
Now pregnant Mila confesses that she is tired of the fact that her loved one lost to someone else: “”I said I can’t sit and wait until he gets back from a date. Not me. Then he admitted that adhere to our stupid contract for him is unbearable. Well. Then I got pregnant, a year later we got married…”
We will remind, Ashton learned the Russian language to understand about what speak numerous relatives of his wife.