The famous singer, who is now in an interesting position, have registered their relationship with her lover. Chosen artist name is Alex, Egorenko, and he works in advertising. The couple got married in Kutuzovsky registry office. The couple receiving congratulations from relatives and friends.
32-year-old singer Marina Devyatova, which will soon become a mother, you married your loved one. Chosen artist name is Alex, Egorenko, and it is not a media personality. This news joyful woman shared in one of my social networking post with a photo taken close to Kutuzovsky registry office.
“We did it!” – posted by Marina Devyatova on Instagram, adding hashtags to the publication of “the luckiest” and “the wedding of the year”.
Fans of the singer began to congratulate her on the happy event. They also wanted the star and her husband all the best. “I wish you wisdom and happiness for many, many years,” “Cheers, kiss!”, “Have a nice life together, warmth, love and tenderness”, “Council Yes love”, “take care of each other, prosperity to your Union,” “Happy for you,” wrote the subscribers Devyatova.
About the chosen one Marina we know that he works in advertising. According to his profile on the social network Facebook, the man is also an entrepreneur: he owns the brand engaged in the manufacture of clothing. According to journalists, Devyatova met Egorenko about eight years ago. They met through mutual friends. But then the romance between Marina and Alexey have arisen because both were in relationships.
Egorenko Devyatova, and started Dating only three years after Dating. The actress admitted that they didn’t have the beautiful period of courtship, instead the pair began to live together. But after some time, Alex and Marina decided to leave because they are tired of life. The actress told reporters that when feelings started to cool down, and I wanted something new.
Despite the fact that the artist left Alexis, she kept with him a friendly relationship. Egorenko Devyatova, and continued to chat. Therefore, when the stepfather died of Marina, she asked for support to a former lover. After some time feelings for him revived with new force, and the couple realized that between them something more than just friendship.
Interestingly, a few years of relationship, Pigolenko thrice did offer Devyatova, but agreement has only in recent times. Lavish celebrations lovers decided not to make, because the singer’s family still grieving for her stepdad. Most likely, the wedding of Marina and Alexei will take place this summer, said the artist