Беременная Мария Адоевцева осталась без квартиры The family has to urgently look for housing. Maria Odoevtseva shared the news with fans on the social network that helped her cope with the shock. The former participant of the reality show thanked the fans for their support and useful advice.

Not so long ago it became known that the former participant reality show “House-2” Odoevtseva Maria will become a mother for the second time. In the middle of last summer she got married and married with her beloved Michael. The pair is now waiting for replenishment in the family. However, recently their families touched unexpected problem – they were asked to vacate the rented apartment soon. Now Maria and her husband are looking for a new home.

“The landlady an urgent need to go back to their walls. And we have been given time of one month to find their new home. And it’s not a time when all thoughts about where to put the crib for the baby, but you need to think about where to find fifty boxes to put somewhere. That’s such sad news on this day. Don’t know where to go, but the head is in such critical days, working better than usual. The powers of heaven, I hope you are with us!” – wrote Odoevtseva.

Maria noted that for four years, she happily lived in this apartment that became her family. She moved into the apartment with her daughter after separating from her first husband. Now her family has grown and lives with her husband and his heir, whom she loved like a brother. Maria Odoevtseva ceased to hide the face of the new chosen one

Fans sympathized with the family of a former member of telestroke and advised her husband to think about his own apartment. A little later Mary thanked the fans because they cheered her, and now she’s not afraid of moving. She began to realize that she will come no less than a great life. “My direct was littered with ambulance! Who wanted their boxes to pay for resettlement, who his to take shelter, who offered me to live, and how many words of support! It’s all very worth it! This is it, the middle who will not pass! Thank you, friends! You comforted and showed by their example of similar stories that change life’s scenery – this is not a tragedy, but a great success! I believe. The best is always around the corner, and after rain is always the rainbow!” – wrote the former participant of a reality show.