Потап рассказал о здоровье Насти Каменских после прыжка с парашютом

The whole life of Nastya Kamenskih flashed before my eyes when she decided to jump with a parachute, I learned that the parachute was not developed. The instructor who was strapped to the performer, not confused and used the spare, however, from the heavy landing that extremists are not saved. In the end Anastasia got a leg injury, was hospitalized.

The other day a colleague Kamensky on the duet “Potap and Nastya” Alexey Potapenko commented on her condition, noting that Anastasia is recovering at a rapid pace: “Nastya now feels OK, she’s better, said the musician in an interview with TSN. She moved away from the operation. Unfortunately, serious injury was a long surgery, she. Now it is restored. I hope it will quickly freshen up, but while she’s on crutches”.

By the way, regardless of the severity of injuries from sports Kamensky refused and attempts to perform some exercise in order not to lose shape, which she worked so hard, “I know that Anastasia has come to the trainer, she is already engaged, she drops the sport. Well done, have a positive attitude”.

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