Опубликовав фото из детства, Настасья Самбурская откровенно рассказала о пластике носа
In Instagram actress Nastassja Samburski often blamed for the fact that her beauty is not natural, over the form of her nose is clearly bothered the plastic surgeon.

Опубликовав фото из детства, Настасья Самбурская откровенно рассказала о пластике носа

Nastasia decided to end these conversations by posting a photograph in which future star for 13 years.

“Sit with classmates, cultural drink yupi) on the background of the carpet, of course) I’m 13 years old. If you again ask about rhinoplasty, please, I must 12 made. I am glad that the bags under my eyes in my childhood and have not gone away. And that yupi is also possible to grow healthy and beautiful))))”

– signed the Samburski, proving that neat nose, her childhood.

By the way, Nastassia began publishing a new funny video clips on the theme “Jasmati”. While in a Network there are two mini-videos.

“Happy mothers dedicated. Before you read the comments, just write that of course I have no children, I know I’m 31 and I’m not as happy as many of you. So envy, that’s creativity” – signed video Nastasia.

I suggest to watch and appreciate the humor:

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