Popular surgery named Lisa Marie Presley's official cause of death Rock and roll king Elvis Presley's daughter dies in January of this year at the age of 54.

Popular surgery named official cause of death of Lisa Marie PresleyLisa Marie Presley was known not only as the sole heiress of her legendary father, but also as a singer, composer, actress and, of course, as the former wife of the King of Pop Michael Jackson – their marriage lasted from 1994 to 1996.

Popular surgery named official cause of death of Lisa Marie Presley

< br>Popular surgery named official cause of death of Lisa Marie Presley

The death of a star earlier this year came as a complete surprise to the public. It was previously known that Presley was experiencing health problems due to drug addiction, but it was claimed that she was able to overcome it.

Popular operation named official cause of death of Lisa Marie Presley

The other day, the American media published a forensic report, according to which the death of Lisa Marie was due to bariatric weight loss surgery, which is often resorted to by people who want to lose weight. During the procedure, the volume of the stomach is reduced surgically, due to which the patient experiences less hunger. Usually the operations are quite successful, but sometimes complications arise – this is just the case of Presley. The woman developed adhesions, which in turn caused an obstruction of the small intestine, a diagnosis that was cited as the immediate cause of death.

Popular operation named official cause of death of Lisa Marie Presley

On cardinal measures to lose weight Lisa Marie was pushed by participation in the Golden Globe Award – there was to be the premiere of a biographical film about her father, Elvis. Presley wanted to look perfect on the track, and due to surgery and pills, she lost more than 20 kilograms in two months.

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