Опрос: россияне не знают, что такое селфи-палка

Well, well! While we are all editors take photos with a selfie stick, 78% of our fellow citizens has never resorted to its services.

International travel metasearch Momondo found out from the Russians what they think about this trend in recent years among tourists from all over the world as shooting with the help of selfie sticks. The study involved more than 29 thousand independent travelers.

It turned out that a large part of our population (78%!), no idea why to take a holiday selfie-stick. That’s the news! But what about a selfie with a loved one (th) of sights from the impressive distance?

Also according to the survey, less than a quarter of respondents (21%) from our country said that he had photographed with such a device. But here we were waited by a surprise. It turns out that the selfie stick, the most used Russian men (23%) than women (20%).

The distribution by age, fortunately, was expected. Most of those who used a selfie-stick, it was for travelers from 18 to 22 years (29%), least of all among tourists from 56 years and older (8%). Interestingly, this was filmed with the help of this device people with children (24%) than without (18%). More fans of the selfie sticks were among the social network users (33%) than among those who do not have account (9%).

Contrary to popular belief other people who take pictures with a selfie stick, the majority of Russians (57%) during the holidays do not interfere. Only 26% of respondents reported a negative reaction on the tourists with similar gadget. And 14% of our compatriots did not notice around people for such shots.

By the way!

Earlier it was reported that compared to prshlym year, the Russians were less likely to use the Internet on vacation. If you believe the statistics, only 11% of Russians have never made a break in the use of social media during the holidays (last year responded 19%). Read more HERE.

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