Полина Гагарина рассказала о причинах, почему дала дочери другое имя
In a recent issue of “Parole with Yuri Nikolaev” became a heroine of the popular singer Polina Gagarina.

Полина Гагарина рассказала о причинах, почему дала дочери другое имя

In conversation with the lead singer revealed some previously unknown facts. It turned out that during pregnancy, Pauline chose for her a different name.

Полина Гагарина рассказала о причинах, почему дала дочери другое имя

“I had the dream to give her daughter the name Lucy, Lucien, – said Gagarin. – I thought it fit her. Although I should have known that the girl will be very bright – my husband has Armenian roots, I Georgian. And anyway, I’m just a little black”.

But as the girl was born, she and her husband Dmitry Isakov agreed that the girl name is not suitable.

“We started frantically thinking how to name her daughter, – says the singer. – I saw that on April 26, the day she was born, the birthday of Mary. And I gave one of the modifications of the name – MIA. I think MIA Iskhakova is very bright and loud”.

Polina recognizes that happy with her husband and is proud of how he handled the baby.

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