Полина Гагарина поведала о том, как ей удалось сбросить 25 кг после родов
At the end of April in the family of popular singer Polina Gagarina second child was born.

Полина Гагарина поведала о том, как ей удалось сбросить 25 кг после родов

The actress gave her husband the photographer Dmitry ishakova Daughter MIA.

But Pauline quickly went back to work, deciding a long time to sit on the decree. Recently, Gagarin told subscribers about how she managed to lose 25 kg gained during the pregnancy.

Полина Гагарина поведала о том, как ей удалось сбросить 25 кг после родов

“At the moment your ideal weight before pregnancy, I have not yet reached. I have to compete with three kilos. For me they are fundamentally important – now I weigh 56, I need my 53. (…) Weight left slowly, I breast-fed, hormones, which manifests itself at that time very much, don’t let go my pounds and she was holding excess water. Two weeks after MIA’s birth, I began to speak, so I had to pull myself together,” shared the actress.

Polina is engaged with the coach and share videos with workouts with your subscribers.

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