Полина Гагарина и Дима Билан примут участие в эстафете олимпийского огня в Рио-де-Жанейро

Polina Gagarina and Dima Bilan will be the torchbearer at the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

Полина Гагарина и Дима Билан примут участие в эстафете олимпийского огня в Рио-де-Жанейро

Traditionally, before the beginning of the Olympic games is the Olympic torch relay, which culminates in the day of the official opening of the games. This year the relay started on may 3 from the Planalto Palace in Brasilia is the official residence of the President of the country Dilma Rousseff (Dilma Rousseff).

To the command of those who had the honor to carry the Olympic torch, joined by Polina Gagarina. She will carry the torch through the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the exact route has not been disclosed. About his participation in the relay, Pauline said on the page in instagram: “I go to Rio and take part in the Olympic torch relay with one purpose – to support our athletes in a very difficult time for them. Today it is especially important to emphasize that the Olympic Flame and the Olympic Games are a symbol of not only the competition between countries for superiority and victory, but first and foremost a symbol of solidarity, justice, peace and friendship. For this idea I and it is a great honor for me.”

Together with Polina Gagarina, one of the Russian torchbearers will be Dima Bilan. “The right to be a torchbearer is a great honor for me. The Olympic torch relay represents the Olympic values — respect, friendship and equality. Taking part in the Olympic torch relay, I feel part of the Olympic movement, which strives for peace and harmony through sports. I am very glad that I have this opportunity,” the singer wrote on his page in instagram.

The Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro will be held from 5 to 21 August.

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