Располневшая Мэрайя Кэри, не стесняясь, демонстрирует свои формы
Network users are actively discussing the plump figure of the famous singer Mariah Carey.

Располневшая Мэрайя Кэри, не стесняясь, демонстрирует свои формы

But in spite of kilos, the singer is not shy to wear the sexy outfits that demonstrate curvaceous shape of a star.

Располневшая Мэрайя Кэри, не стесняясь, демонстрирует свои формы

Recently Mariah appeared on stage in Las Vegas, which aroused heated discussions on the Internet. Many have noticed that Cary even more bloated. And according to some reports, she now weighs about 120 pounds. But this did not prevent the singer to flaunt on the stage in a formfitting bodysuit.

Loyal fans of Mariah believe that the extra pounds did not spoil your favorite singer, and it’s always beautiful.

Of course, it would be worthwhile to pick up clothes with intelligence, and though sometimes to look in the mirror.

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