Располневшая Надежда Бабкина шокировала фанатов
Recently, the Network appeared the image made in “the Destiny of man”, where the heroine of the new issue became the singer Nadezhda Babkina.

Располневшая Надежда Бабкина шокировала фанатов

Netizens were horrified, seeing the performer, who noticeably gained weight. Fans began to speculate what may be the cause of such a sudden weight gain.

Располневшая Надежда Бабкина шокировала фанатов

“God, what Hope? Disease? There is no hope to lose weight?”, “This Is Babkin? Don’t even recognize. Powerful”, “Well, why is this complete? Think about yourself. This causes the body harm!”, “The years take their toll, but more recently was a slender”, “Why so big? And the husband of the young next, it is necessary to match!” — outraged followers.

Fans did not even recognized in the pictures of Hope while she was in a familiar national Russian outfit.

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