Пиппе Миддлтон сошьют платье принцессы Дианы

The younger sister of Duchess Kate Middleton go down the aisle in a dress by the designer of Princess Diana.

Though Pippa Middleton and not a fate to rule the Kingdom as her sister Kate, but to marry a millionaire James Matthews girl decided with a Royal scale.

A secret engagement pair took place recently, in early July, but Pippa decided not to delay the preparations for the wedding and the first thing puzzled most important question – the search for the perfect outfit.

The choice of the girl surprised even Kate. The younger Middleton asked designer David Emanuel, the man that sewed wedding dress for Princess Diana, to create a white outfit for her!

In the yard there are also rumors that Kate dissatisfied with the behavior of the sisters and afraid that she will try to Eclipse her own wedding. Meanwhile, close to the designer people say that Emanuel, to avoid scandal and to respect the rules of decency, Pippa advises to prefer modest dress, not at all reminiscent of lace Alexander McQueen in which married Kate.

By the way, the Duchess of Cambridge is not happy and from the suitor of his sister, and therefore has not yet decided whether it will be Pippa’s maid of honor and directly participate in the ceremony or just arrive at the celebration as guests.

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