Пинк не считает набранные во время беременности килограммы «лишним весом»

26 Dec 2016 the singer Pink became a mother for the second time. Now the actress is in full enjoying motherhood and taking care of a newborn and not yet thinking about how to return to Dobermann form.

37-year-old Pink refuses to follow the rules of show business and is not running in the gym in order to throw a couple of three pounds. On the contrary, the singer, who has never been famous for delicacy of figure, be proud of yourself, what she became after giving birth to second child: “the six weeks that passed from the day of birth of my child, I have not lost one bit. So I’m a normal woman. I’m good!!!”

Instead of extra pounds Pink concerned about much more serious issues. The singer worries that her 5-year-old daughter willow has failed to adopt a new family member and is very aggressive in it relates to.

On the Ellen DeGeneres Pink said that the girl is often capricious suits the real scandals. If Pink, when willow enters the room, holding the son in her arms, she has just put the baby in the crib. However, the singer does not lose hope that everything will get better. “Currently we’re working on it!” assured singer.