Снимки онкобольного Эдуарда Мацаберидзе привели в ужас его фанатов
Host of “the Food, I love you” on the TV channel Friday! Eduard Matsaberidze trying to overcome a terrible disease, Oncology.

Снимки онкобольного Эдуарда Мацаберидзе привели в ужас его фанатов

Some time ago, Eduardo was diagnosed with lymphoma, but he hopes for a cure. Now he is already the third course of chemotherapy and has recently shared a picture from the hospital.

Снимки онкобольного Эдуарда Мацаберидзе привели в ужас его фанатов

“In the absence of immunity, its promenades along the hospital corridors we Valerica (right photo) performed purely for the masks… Well, I’m in the mask, Valerchik same – type crazy and says put these bacilli and wearing refuses. Says breathing is difficult,” he told the broadcaster.

Fans rushing to support a celebrity and leave him words of support, wishing him a speedy recovery.

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