Филипп Киркоров много лет скрывал обвинения в убийстве The singer was threatened with life imprisonment in the United States. Philip admitted that on the trials did not know even his closest people. The king of pop was suspected of involvement in the death of a security guard, which protected him during the show at the casino new Jersey.
Филипп Киркоров много лет скрывал обвинения в убийстве

Singer Philip Kirkorov, who became the guest of the program “million dollar Secret” with Leroy Kudryavtseva, decided to reveal the secret, which for many years kept even from those closest to you. The king of pop has agreed to answer the most difficult question of the program, valued at one million rubles. Philip regrets that he has solved the mystery of the birth of children

Philip told us that a few years ago was under investigation in the US because of the incident, which occurred during his show at major casinos in new Jersey. The singer was tested for involvement in the death of the guard, and he faces life imprisonment.

“I’m in this situation were complicit in the tragedy. It’s not my fault, but with my part – began Philip. In 2004 during a show in a casino “the Taj Mahal”, and it is a huge hall of 10 thousand people, I put two guards – one young, the other was about seventy years old. I went into the hall. Going down the stairs, I walked into the darkness. Illuminator lit room, and I went nowhere, to the touch. Bright spotlights blinded me… the Song was dynamic, and I have so much energy that any obstacle at this point I can carry on the go. I go down the stairs and nose-to-nose encounter with an obstacle in the form of a man, I instinctively toss it and move on. It turned out that the man fell on his back, but I have not seen that with him. After the concert, I said, with a laugh that, say, you knocked the guard. I asked if he was okay. The organizers assured me that all is well.”

In fact, the security guard, Thomas Roger was in the hospital with a bruised arm and head. A few years later the man died from a stroke after open heart surgery. Relatives of the deceased tried to prove that between the fall down the stairs and stroke, leading to death, there is a connection. They sued Philip Kirkorov and show organizers, which are unable to ensure the safety of security during operation.

“I received a summons when I came back to act as “the Taj Mahal”, continues Philip. – Started investigative experiments and investigation. Many times I flew from Russia to America to participate in them. All these years I have proved the innocence to this disaster, which happened on my show. But I still blame myself. I think that if it were not for the concert, uncle still lived there. I knew that the trouble started with me, but I didn’t mean it”.

In 2010, the court with participation of jurymen has completely justified Philip Kirkorov.

The singer also admitted that he wanted to financially help the family of the deceased security guard. But the lawyer had dissuaded him from this step, explaining that in America it is not accepted, and act Kirkorov could be misinterpreted.

Remembering this story from his life, Philip noted that his family finds out about it, look at the transmission “the Secret to a million.” All these years he never told anyone of their loved ones that survived.

“No dad, not aunt Marie, no Alla do not know about, assured performer. – I had to handle myself with everything. Perhaps now they’ll scold me for my silence. But I feel vindicated, and so simply in America do not condone… I am convinced that Thomas Roger died not because he fell. If that were the case, I would myself lynched”.