Филипп Киркоров прокомментировал свой конфликт с Любовь Успенской
For many years singers Philip Kirkorov and Lyubov Uspenskaya was very friendly, but some time ago the public were surprised by the news about the conflict that broke out between them.

Филипп Киркоров прокомментировал свой конфликт с Любовь Успенской

The reason for the quarrel was not known, but in an interview, said the assumption that Philip is just jealous of her.

“I guess Philip is angry that his business is worse than me, that’s showing off. Phillip has always done the same way: today you’re the best friend, and tomorrow is the enemy. At me such does not happen. I, or friends, or not,” — said the singer.

Филипп Киркоров прокомментировал свой конфликт с Любовь Успенской

The book outraged the assumption in the program “You wouldn’t believe,” he expressed his opinion.

“I am extremely surprised what I read about what I said Lyuba. I’m very sorry. I’m sorry that our friendship with Any subjected to such a test as a provocative question of the journalist, to which she was led, and expressed that it may be many years thought of me,” – says Philip.

According to Kirkorov, the assumption if something is not satisfied, she could call him and speak, but now he was waiting for an explanation. And Love in turn did not consider that he had a fight with Philip and also waiting for him to call.

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