Пелагея возмущена тем, что фанаты влезли в ее личную жизнь
Recently famous singer Pelageya was outraged by the behavior of some fans.

Пелагея возмущена тем, что фанаты влезли в ее личную жизнь

As it turned out, fans hacked closed the page of the singer in Instagram, and, taking out personal photos, as published on the fan page of the star.

Recently Pelagia decided to delete my account, so that such situations did not recur.

“Shame on you! Hack accounts and disseminate personal photos! How long can people? And then you wonder why I “closed”?” — told the artist followers.

By the way Pelagia was never a supporter of making money on its popularity, has never placed ads on their pages in social networks.

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