Пелагея обновила блог снимком подросшей дочки и показала стройную фигуру
Singer Pelageya pleased subscribers recent photo of 2-year-old daughter.

Пелагея обновила блог снимком подросшей дочки и показала стройную фигуру

32-year-old singer posted a positive and really a summer photo in the company of a little girl Taisia. Daughter Pelagia appears in personal blog mom’s pretty rare, so the in a matter of hours gained a lot of likes and enthusiastic comments.

Пелагея обновила блог снимком подросшей дочки и показала стройную фигуру

Members admire the beauty and charm of the frame, and, of course, also note the beautiful figure of the singer, which allowed us to estimate the original set of top and skirts decorated with lace.

Пелагея обновила блог снимком подросшей дочки и показала стройную фигуру

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