Павел Астахов выпустил детективный роман про «группы смерти»

Lawyer Pavel Astakhov, who is also a former children’s Ombudsman has released his literary work – the novel “Network”, a story about “groups of death” — the online communities in which participants perform tasks, and commit suicide.

The plot of the novel the main character is a lawyer Pavel Astakhov, Artem Pavlov, who accidentally saves a young woman named Karina from suicide – she is on the verge because of his lost daughter. The lawyer begins to investigate. It is alarming bizarre behavior suicide shortly before his death, and the participation of girls in strange closed group, the symbol of which is a stranded blue whale..
I must say, what a sensational group of suicides “Blue whale” put things rustle a few months ago, but Paul apparently knew about their existence before, because in an interview with TV channel 360 said that worked on the book for over two years.
“This book is based on documentary material, but it’s still a novel. And most importantly, how in any right work, everything ends positively — evil is punished, revealed the whole network,” — said Astakhov.
It is noteworthy that yesterday, on 7 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law requiring a person to lead to suicide, shall be held criminally liable and punishable by up to six years.