Павел Прилучный ради сына перенес съемки в «Мажоре»
The actor proved himself an exemplary family man.

Павел Прилучный ради сына перенес съемки в «Мажоре»

Agatha muceniece and Paul Priluchny

Photo: Personastars.com

Timothy Prilichnom was five years old

Photo: Instagram

For the five-year anniversary of his son Timothy Paul Priluchny in the midst of the filming of the series “Major 3” took the day off and went from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

“My husband bought the ticket literally at the last train, but not late for the beginning of the holiday, which we had so long prepared, — shared with 7days.ru Agata muceniece. — Timothy was in awe of the costume show “transformers”, which we started, but the more he jumped for joy, having received from us controlled robot, which had long dreamed of.”

Birthday to Timothy came also the sons of Mary Kozhevnikova is the daughter of Catherine Volkova and Andrey Karpov. “We are always glad when friends can share with us on family holidays. And with children, they are doubly fun,” said Agatha.