Павел Прилучный и Агата Муцениеце публикуют совместные снимки вопреки слухам о разводе
Almost a month ago, fans of Russian actors Agatha muceniece and Paul Priluchnogo were shocked to learn of the serious problems between couples.

Павел Прилучный и Агата Муцениеце публикуют совместные снимки вопреки слухам о разводе

Spouses this information was denied, but, according to rumors, they were close to divorce. Recently in microblogging Agatha in section storis there was a short video in which she rides with her husband on the bike, hugging him gently.

Павел Прилучный и Агата Муцениеце публикуют совместные снимки вопреки слухам о разводе

“Finally see you two together! Please tell me that divorce is cancelled”, “Agatha, you and Paul are made for each other. Do not destroy the family,” “I Love these two. The most sincere pair of Russian show business” – write in comments followers.

Yet the actors themselves do not rush to comment about the reunion, so fans have to wonder what’s really going on in their relationship.

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