Star of TV series “grey’s Anatomy” and the movie “Child of Bridget Jones” Patrick Dempsey until recently, believed that his family fortune collapsed. The actor had intended to divorce his wife and in that moment, when the divorce process could go almost at the finish line (namely, the appeal to the lawyers, carve-up of property, etc.), the pair backtracked and decided not to break their relationship.
Instead of spending effort and money on this process, the couple decided that they’re better together. In order to verify the correctness of his decision, the family Dempsey bought a new place – a mansion in Malibu, worth 6.4 million dollars.
It is known that the house has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, the estate has a tennis court and a swimming pool with sea water. The house itself is located near the beach.
Note that before you can acquire the joint property, the wife of Patrick sold the house that I bought after the announcement of an impending divorce. And it can say that now the couple are happy and are experiencing a new honeymoon.