Участница «Холостяка» Алиса Лисс заговорила о тяжелой борьбе с раком One of the brightest girls competing for the heart of Yegor creed, was able to defeat serious disease. Recently, Alice Liss spoke about the emotions that he felt after learning about the terrible diagnosis. As it turned out, mom models died from cancer.

One of the candidates for the heart Yegor creed was the 33-year-old model-albino Alice Liss. The girl captivated the artist, telling him the touching story of life. Alice often shared on social networks their thoughts and answers questions from subscribers. Recently, she decided to tell about why made breast prothesis.

The star of “the Bachelor” has frankly told about their pathology

According to Liss, she had an operation, because faced with serious health problems. The girl was diagnosed with cancer. So she was forced to decide on surgery.

“I have personally known women who from fear of life after surgery drove myself to the 4th stage breast cancer and died in agony. And all because of fear. My mother, grandmother and wife of mom’s brother died from cancer. I saw the scars from iron brackets on the chest of my grandmother… When the diagnosis was announced to me, I panicked, still quite young, I put on a cross. I was afraid of. Not afraid to die, but to live a freak, an invalid, is that worthy of pity,” recalls Alice.

Liss said that many girls and women literally go crazy from fear. “They have cancer, a tumor slowly eats away at their body, and they are afraid. Scared desperate and insurmountable. Afraid of surgery and the life after it, because in their minds this is the life of a freak, a woman’s life which are not like any man, will not be able to be happy, to love yourself, to be loved, to experience the joys of sex in the end,” said the model.

Alice encouraged all who are faced with similar problems, to overcome itself. The girl confessed to going through a very difficult period. So now Lissa is trying to set an example for others.

“I have come a long, long way and yet carry the banner of victory. But every photo of me Topless is a Manifesto: “I survived, I am beautiful and free.” And I want this Manifesto was heard by all who fear, who quietly dies in four walls, believing that after the surgery there is no life. Who spends precious time on fear,” said one of the participants of “the Bachelor”.

According to the model, to help those who are faced with serious disease, comes modern plastic surgery. Alice urged the public not to judge, focusing solely on a person’s appearance.

“All of you are condemning before you point a finger at a girl with implants, try to turn your head and think for a minute, and what I’m doing and why. You now object vehemently: “Oh, every second Tits shakes”. And you really think you know everything? You are so insightful that they can see right through a person’s life? It’s the butterfly effect, and it should not be forgotten. So, no, I will not refuse the picture in the Nude” she said.

Turning to subscribers, she added that it continues to fight every day. According to the model, warm comments from others gives her the strength to go forward. Many girls who are hesitant to have surgery because of fear to face negative reaction of others and do not feel the strength to move on, Liss write words of gratitude.