Наряд Подольской произвел фурор в соцсетях

The singer posted on Instagram a picture in a “pregnant” dress, which immediately became the object of desire of hundreds of subscribers.

Natalia Podolskaya together with her husband and son Theme went on vacation to Spain, where he wears beautiful outfits. One of these dresses made a splash among the subscribers to its microblog.

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The choice of Natalya Podolskaya fell on Quinceanera dresses-cylinder with voluminous sleeves. Outfit, accented with an understated, yet striking striped print, despite the cut, just said “interesting” position of the star, rumors of which walk the Network for several days.

Fans loved the image of Natalia. The majority of commentators came to the conclusion that the outfit is amazing sitting on a star and really suits her. Some even tried to find out exactly where the singer bought his outfit. However, Podolsky decided not to disclose the name of the brand.

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