«Только не развод!» Сати Казанова столкнулась с предательством
Fans worried about the personal life of the singer.

Sati Kazanova

Photo: @satikazanova Instagram Sati Casanova

Fans sati Casanova, frightened by events in the personal life of the singer. The actress said that faced with a brutal betrayal by a close person. 35-year-old singer did not name a specific person responsible for her feelings. However, fans do not exclude that Sati is going through a quarrel with her husband, photographer Stefano Tiozzo.

“Probably the most painful of trials. The earth leaves from under feet, the feeling of such helplessness, confusion… In this moment there is no ability to enter the skin of those who betrayed him: he was guided that he was forced into such an act… — says Sati in a personal blog. — The pain and rage drowned out everything else.

Another scar on the heart… But “obsevatory” heart is hard to be gentle and compassionate… Maybe it was the moment referred to “turn the other cheek”… Not literally. The question is, to forgive and to go on living with the still-open, soft, loving heart. They say that the tyrants in our lives — we are the most loving people, but they have to teach us such rigid methods. To inside have matured a new power!”

It is worth noting that, if earlier Sati almost every day publishes photos with her husband, at the moment the last of the appeared in social networks about two weeks ago. Fans worried for the couple. “Is this about your husband?”, “For me the betrayal of a loved one made so strong that now nothing to fear”, “This is a recording of scary, I hope the man is not betrayed, Only not divorce! You are such a cool couple!” write Sati fans. The singer did not comment on assumptions of subscribers.