An employee of an online marketplace was rude to Victoria Daineko The singer Victoria Daineko was irritated by an employee of a pick-up point of a popular Russian marketplace.

An employee of an online marketplace was rude to Victoria Daineko According to the “Star Factory” participant, she took her place in line, and behind her was a man with his son. But the employee chose to serve not Vika, but the person standing behind her. She justified this by saying that there was a minute left before the end of the working day.

“The wonderful fairy at Ozon finished off the day. For what? And the man who decided to show his son how to push girls ahead of him in line and fight for his order,” Victoria is amazed.

In addition, the girl, who, in Daineko's opinion, is much younger than her, also doubted the artist's adequacy, saying this to her face.

“The employee said that she only serves adequate people, because I complained to her that she did not want to serve me a minute before the end of her working day after I waited 20 minutes for her to serve four people in front of me. But she served the man after me. I waited for her to look for his order for another 11 minutes, and then she still refused me. But she served another guy after me. In short, she did not give me my order. And what is there about adequacy,” the singer is surprised.

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