На Вина Дизеля подали в суд из-за «Трёх иксов»

The star of the franchise “fast and furious” VIN Diesel won a lawsuit organized against him by a former colleague.

George Zakk, who led until 2007 the production company Diesel One RaceFilms recently took the actor to court.

The reason for the proceedings was the financial question.

According to Zakk, he entered into an oral agreement that was supposed to receive a fee in the amount of 250 to 275 thousand dollars, as well as production allocations for each of the movies / Diesel, a promotion which he did. The plaintiff asserts that he is entitled to receive payments for the sequels of the paintings that were in his possession.

Due to the fact that the court Zakk has not provided any document confirming his words, the judge had no choice but to reject the claim.

Experienced lawyers say that even if Zakk has named the date and the time of the conclusion of an oral agreement, their case he would not be able to prove, because legally it wasn’t recorded.

 Whether Zakk to challenge the court’s decision and to appeal, is not specified. To appeal the decision the man has 20 days old.