Ольга Жемчугова решительно изменила имидж
The participant of the project Dom-2 23-summer Olga Zhemchugova (before marriage Wind) recently colored my hair in quite a radical color.

Ольга Жемчугова решительно изменила имидж

Olga leaned the stylish fashion trend and made it possible to dye your hair in pink.

Ольга Жемчугова решительно изменила имидж

It should be noted that many fans were happy with this transformation. The blog of a young mother many compliments and raves about the new haircut.

Ольга Жемчугова решительно изменила имидж

Indeed, looks very fresh and spring-like.

Ольга Жемчугова решительно изменила имидж

Olga even put a video of the process:

And you would be able to decide on such an extraordinary tint?

You like this color hair? Could you dye my hair in the same?
Don’t like it. Too bright. Very stylish. Itself – could not. Looks cool, I wish it would have done.


Author: Mysha

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