Ольга Шелест станет мамой в третий раз
TV presenter Olga Shelest and has two daughters.

Ольга Шелест станет мамой в третий раз

Olga Shelest became the heroine of the next edition of the project “the invisible Man”, where a group of psychics, seeing the character of the issue, describes in detail his life, character, relationships and future. Among other things, the presenter predicted the birth of a third child.

Ольга Шелест станет мамой в третий раз

The rustle quite emotionally reacted to this prophecy, saying that she doesn’t want a third child.

Ольга Шелест станет мамой в третий раз

Fans of the star believe she said it on emotions, because previously in various interviews, she admitted that would not refuse to re-Tinker with the diapers.

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