Ольга Шелест: «Из Парижа я привезла дочкам жирафа и козий сыр»
Olga went to France not just to walk. This time the Rustle was invited to Paris as…

Ольга Шелест: «Из Парижа я привезла дочкам жирафа и козий сыр»

Olga Shelest

Photo: Anna Beauty

Olga went to France not just to walk. This time the Rustle was invited to Paris as an honored… mamontiha Ellie from the animated film “Ice age: a Clash is inevitable.

The fact that Olga is the fourth time the voice of this character, and who better than her to represent the Russian actors on a unique exhibition dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of Blue Sky Studios, creating animated movies.

— Olga, as you have spent time in Paris, like whether the exhibition? What surprised you?

— It is incredible to witness the birth of the story, as the characters are drawn on paper first in pencil, then in watercolor, and finally, in the computer version. That is all that we see on the screen, initially created by human hands and imagination, and then connect high-tech. I met with the Director of “Ice age: the Clash is inevitable,” Mike Durmieron. Was amazed to learn that the cartoon was created for four years. That is, from idea to dubbing with the orchestra it’s been so long that the Director has grown up son.

— Managed to stroll through Paris?

— I love Paris, but praised it immediately. The first time was not impressed, I think I even vowed not to appear there. All pompous, crowded, tourist. On the Eiffel tower I felt dizzy. In line at the Louvre we spent a half hour, and the Museum was never able to get close to “Mona Lisa” on all sides she was surrounded by those wishing to make a picture in a masterpiece. But the next time I saw a completely different Paris. Cozy, romantic, relaxed way. I love to walk in the Saint Germain area, especially in the Luxembourg garden. This time, riding along the Seine on a river boat, recalled how ten years ago my husband and I are on the same boat and I sailed together and enjoyed the romance of our relationship.

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  • Ольга Шелест: «Из Парижа я привезла дочкам жирафа и козий сыр»
    Olga Shelest


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