Ольга Шелест за месяц похудела на полтора размера
The presenter boasted of achievements in sport.

Ольга Шелест за месяц похудела на полтора размера

Olga Shelest with my daughter

After the birth of her second daughter Olga Shelest admitted that
much recovered, and even called the cause — breastfeeding. Olga
wanted to limit yourself in food, to her little daughter iris was obtained from
mother’s milk everything we needed.

Olga Shelest in the classroom

But a month ago, Olga decided to combat excess
pounds, joined a Pilates Studio and now several times a week
deals with a personal coach, Denis. Four weeks later, TV presenter
reports on the results. “Knocks out my testimony, signed with the
classes Olya. But I won’t give up, standing upside down I even
favor. Oh, wait, that’s right — the electric chair? In General
brag — month training and incredible results minus half of size
pants on the go to lose.”

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