Ольга Орлова разместила совместный снимок с подросшим сыном
Popular singer Olga Orlova has recently been leading reality show “Dom-2” and also have time to educate 16-year-old son Artem.

Ольга Орлова разместила совместный снимок с подросшим сыном

Recently Olga has decided to publish a picture together with his heir, washitaw fans. Many fans came to the conclusion that Orlov looks very young and seems sister and adult son.

Ольга Орлова разместила совместный снимок с подросшим сыном

“Olga, is that Your son ?!! God, I still 25 ?!!”, “Handsome!)”, “Groom,” “Boy, what a pretty rose”, “the eyes that smart and kind boy”, “Olga, you obviously pull on your sister!!!!”, “How beautiful! Mother and son,” leave enthusiastic comments followers.

We will remind that Artem was born in marriage with businessman Alexander by Karmanovym, whom she divorced in 2004.

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