Olga Nechaeva became a victim of rudeness of a hair stylist Go to an expensive salon to listen to undeserved insults?

Olga Nechaeva became a victim of rudeness by a hair stylist As it turned out thanks to the founder of the largest cosmetics brand Le Mousse Olga Nechaeva, and this is possible in the capital.

The other day, the girl was brought to tears in one of the premium salons in Moscow. Olya is a busy girl, so for a consultation with a hair stylist (and, as it turned out later, “roasting” clients) Natalya Barinova, the girl was booked by her manager. For some reason, Natalya was very hurt.

Olga Nechaeva became a victim of the rudeness of the hair stylist

Olga, having come to the salon in advance and stumbled upon a cold reception from the administrator, sat down to wait aside. Suddenly she heard the master's voice addressed to her from somewhere in the bowels of the “place of beauty”. The voice was interested, why did she come, what problems, and why does her manager record her at all. And also, did the blogger watch Natalya's activities in social networks. Olga had the imprudence to honestly answer “no”. At the end of her speech to the dumbfounded Nechaeva, the master stated that she wanted to “look at this fifa that the manager is recording,” but she refuses to accept Olya.

Olga Nechaeva became a victim of the rudeness of the hair stylist

Later, commenting on the situation, Natalya called the girl an autistic girl, apparently having no idea of ​​humanity in relation to people who really suffer from autism.

Olga Nechaeva became a victim of the hair stylist's rudeness

So, did the blogger make a short journey through the capital's December traffic jams for the sake of Natalia's curiosity?

According to reviews in social networks, Olga Nechaeva is not the first victim of such “beauty abuse”. Barinova, according to some of the clients who visited her, is a master not only in hair, but also in humiliating salon guests.

By the way, her coloring costs 50 thousand rubles. Whereas in many other salons this is done within 20-30 thousand. But apparently, Natalia throws 20 insults for the author's method.

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