The actress spoke about life with the former on-screen husband. Olga Medynich and Jamal Tetruashvili have found an effective method to address any differences in the family and on the set. The star of the show “Traffic light” told of a secret way in the program “Alone with all”.
Actress Olga Medynich, remembered by the audience for the TV series “Traffic light” and “Sweet life”, were able to drop everything and move from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 2013. At this time the woman was pregnant with a son, but that didn’t stop her from changing. She realized that otherwise it will go crazy from the monotonous life, although she liked the job at the Youth theatre on the Fontanka.
In addition to working in large projects, Medynich start to develop your “Instagram”. A huge number of people subscribed to her account, when she started to spread the videoparty to beauty bloggers. Their strikes her sense of humor and current topics of the videos.
However, in real life Olga sometimes not everything is so rosy. From time to time she has a disagreement with her husband, Cemal Tetruashvili, with whom he starred in the movie. However, the husband and wife try to resolve all conflicts peacefully. “You can’t go to bed angry. In the morning I confess to her husband in love. We just have to be love. He loves me,” – said Medunic. She does not skimp every day to hug your spouse.
Tetruashvili, who worked with John “the Traffic light”, said in the video for the program “Alone with all”, as they find a common language with his wife.
“Oli’s got a great quality and on the Playground, and in life. She is very good at shedding aside. This is a man who grows tired of conflict. If Medynich somewhere misbehaved, so this is the case. So, has the edge,” said the husband of the blonde.
“Come Evgenii Ivanovich” – this phrase describes in a bad mood Jamal. “I’m trying to separate a man and his negative qualities,” – says Olga. She learned to understand her husband. She has another metaphor that points to the negative attitude of the husband, which has Georgian roots. “Oh, you sat on a horse? – Yes, sat down and went. Then I am going to walk for 15 minutes” – so Medynich avoids conflicts.
The same technique she uses in education of the son of Dima. The actress tells him that he needs to get rid of the “Capricious,” which came to visit them. The boy understands everything perfectly, as he has a good sense of humor for three years and together with my mother shouts from the window that the creature was gone. Olga Medynich: “Son of a ladies ‘man”