Ольга Бузова останется ведущей «Дома-2» на ТНТ The press service of the channel has denied rumors that celebrity will no longer work on popular telestroke. According to representatives, Olga will see the broadcast of the reality show next year and no changes are planned.

      Olga Buzova will remain the leading TV project “Dom-2”. The TNT channel has denied the allegation that the star will no longer participate in the program. According to some media reports, the woman was fired from his post as anchor of reality show. According to them, it ends the contract with the channel 25 of December, and to renew the contract with her no one is going.

      “In 2017, Olga Buzova will continue to lead the reality show “Dom-2”, – said the “StarHit” the press service of the TNT channel.

      In addition, Network users are actively discussing cooperation between Olga and her PR Manager Anton. Among the many subscribers Buzova formed the opinion that a woman has stopped engaging with the young person. This is the conclusion of commentators came reading the post men on Instagram, where he shared the most striking aspects of their work over the past year and a half. The impression that, so Anton put an end to their cooperation. However, these rumors were also denied. Olga continues to work with Bogoslavskiy. However, he refuses to talk to media by phone.

      Just a few days ago, Olga Buzova shared in the microblog photo with her PR Manager, thanking him for what he was there for her. Leading grateful to Anton that he went with her to Berlin for an interview with the actors of the film “assassin’s Creed”. About it is the celebrity repeatedly mentioned in their posts online.

      It should be noted that the reluctance of Bogoslavskaya to communicate with the press can be due to the fact that recently Olga Buzova chained too much attention. Because of this, the formation of new rumors, which instantly becomes a cause for litigation in the media and social networks. Apparently, the young man unpleasant situation, although he neither confirms nor denies the details provided.

      “During those six years, Olga, you managed to play the main role in the film, to write a book, create your own perfume, to record the track still in first place iTunes to release the series to light with Gianluca Vacca, meet with Ryan Reynolds, be the only celebrities that took an exclusive interview for the Russian TV have now the most talked about artists of Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard. And this is only a small part of what you had. Olga, thank you for our cooperation”, – wrote in his “Instagram” Bogoslavskaya.

      It is important to note that Olga Buzova after the rupture of relations with Dmitry Tarasov and then surprised their fans with a radical transformation, new creative successes. Perhaps the rumors that Olga was deprived of work on television was caused by the recent scandal of her correspondence. Recall that a few days ago the fans stars were shocked when the attackers posted messages from phone Buzova. The hackers used the data to further draw attention to the star that is going through a breakup with her husband. Tarasov announced his version of the cause of the break with Buzova