Ольга Бузова обиделась на участников и ушла с "лобного места"
In a recent issue of the TV project “Dom-2” TV presenter Olga Buzova could not hold back their emotions and left with a “place of execution”.

Ольга Бузова обиделась на участников и ушла с "лобного места"

And it all started with the fact that the participants were dissatisfied with the fact that Olga decided to leave the project Leroux frost, which caused the fight. Residents of telestroke as a result has refused to discuss the problems in the relationship of Maya Dontsova and Alexis Bush.

“You own personal life is uninteresting? You your relationship is uninteresting? I leave the “place of execution” if you are not interested in talking about your relationship,” said the presenter, leaving the “place of execution”.

Ольга Бузова обиделась на участников и ушла с "лобного места"

But in the end, after some time she took herself in hand and returned to the participants.

“You know, I always worried for you. I hate to listen to what was on “Calvary” a few minutes ago. I hate how the person who so applies to you. Okay, I’ll get over it,” said Olga.

Residents “Houses-2” apologized to Olga, and the conflict was settled.

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