The statement of the actress caused a heated discussion. Olga Buzova has reacted ambiguously to the new humorous video, where he tried to laugh at her. She made exposing lady opponent in social networks.
TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova has become a target for jokes. Many colleagues of the actress I wonder how she managed to become so successful while others ridiculed her vocal or demeanor.
In a new video “League of bad jokes”, released on YouTube, the ILO sprashivaet of Demis Karipidis: “What is common between Olga Buzova and Halal cafeteria?”, and then answers himself: “In both visited a Tartar.” The rapper grinned.
Apparently, Olga Buzova watched this video. Communicating with followers on Twitter she left a comment that it seemed her fans rather abrupt and addressed to the Mota family.
“How blind I was, thought they were friends. Maybe it’s time to tell what he did his wife? And for how much shot her in the sauna?” – wrote Olga.
Many thought that Olga turned on her Mota Maria Melnikova. Later stories Buzova asked mystery fans: “What is common between men in saunas and girls who come to these men for money?”
Visit Melnikova, some users have already started to discuss her past. “The Internet was info about the dirty past of Masha and her activities. But His only confirmed it. All about it knew, but no one just wrote, so as not to ruin a family”, “People are just shocked by what he heard, did not expect from the virgin, So you are a public person and a public woman is,” – wrote in the comments Masha.
Recall that some time ago Buzova was the victim of another comedian. Globate laughed at the presenter, and she promised to start legal proceedings. In one of the posts he compared the star with a negative character in the film “Predator”. Moreover, in some comments he made unflattering comments about the artist. Olga promised him to file a lawsuit.
“I’m alone. And all the problems solve itself. Today one “nepomuscene” with which we are working on the same channel, allowed publicly to insult me. Unfortunately, those whom I thought were my friends from the Comedy Club, had no effect on this situation. So I will solve it through court”, – said Olga.