Ольга Бузова заработала целое состояние на рекламе в Instagram
The Network has published the incomes of the stars “House-2”.

Ольга Бузова заработала целое состояние на рекламе в Instagram

Olga Buzova

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Olga Buzova, the popularity of which seem to be,
soon to be studied as a phenomenon, continues to prosper, talking about daily
my life in Instagram. After her divorce from
Dmitry Tarasov, held at the end of December 2016, the lion’s share
posts presenter recalls the series with the telling title “the Rich also cry”.
However, these records — most image.
Olga knows that tears and sorrow will not help, and wallet fatter not
make. So punctually Buzova publishes other, life-affirming
posts: beauty news, news fashion, sports goods and
delicious diet candy.  All that
helps the young singer to earn on advertising. Last summer
year Buzova increased the price of ads in your Instagram with 200
up to 400 thousand rubles for one post.

The Russian research Agency
bloggers have made a rating of the richest people in the Internet, and the first place
went to Olga. Its revenue for the six months amounted to almost 48 million rubles! Star “Houses-2»
ahead of colleague telestroke Xenia Borodin — she took second place, and on
third place was Ksenia Sobchak.

Advertising income has allowed Olga in a big way to celebrate
late January birthday in Thailand, where the rent of the Villa she paid 100 thousand dollars
per day. In addition, the presenter
invited from America for the filming of his video Jeremy Mix,
known as “the
beautiful criminal”.