Ольга Бузова может разрушить брак Андрея Малахова
Netizens have noticed that recently the TV presenter Andrey Malakhov a lot of his attention to Olga Buzova.

Ольга Бузова может разрушить брак Андрея Малахова

And Andrew openly declares its sympathy to Olga, which of course angered his wife Natalia Shkulev. In a recent interview Buzova admitted that she’s jealous wife to her.

Ольга Бузова может разрушить брак Андрея Малахова

“For me, Andrew, the friend. We have a relationship for a long time, that is, we are friends not only last year. Much just behind the scenes. We text, talk on the phone… For me he is a wonderful person, a true friend. Yesterday, I learned from him the amazing story. Andrei and Natasha’s anniversary — seven years of marriage. And now he tells me how they were going to say Natasha to him at some point said, “Yes, on the first anniversary Malakhov was running toward me. And on the seventh year… Andrew runs to Buzova in the restaurant!” said Buzova.

Recall that a week ago, Andrew and Natalia celebrated the seventh wedding anniversary.

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