Ольга Бузова об унижениях от коллег: «Я не хочу больше это терпеть!»
The star was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Olga Buzova

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Public scandal and Andrey Skorokhod (Glavati) almost brought Olga Buzova to a nervous breakdown. The TV presenter posted in social networks an open letter about the fight against ill-wishers. She stated that she is tired of attacks from the others. The record received wide publicity in social networks.

“I am sure that each of You faced with unwarranted rudeness. Your emotions? You’re angry, be angry? Move away and forget? And imagine if the rudeness You meet every day? In the vast amount.. And with incredible aggression full of hate.. how Long can you get?My Cup of patience was filled… Yes, I recognize the fact that the media always implies as fans and antifanatov. And I never complain to anyone, try to understand, to forgive and to explain to myself the reason people hate me…

But just the other day, when broke out a rather unpleasant and loud conflict.. Some men have allowed themselves too much nasty stuff. Men! I don’t want it any more! True. Using the fact that I don’t have the defender, taking advantage of the wave of negativity began to appear one after another offensive video. This is what a man does? That’s human? And if these words to say about your daughter or wife? Mom? — asked Olga. Yeah, I’m one. But I can stand up for themselves. And I will. I will not let this Hamam to do whatever they want, and so just to humiliate me and to insult. I have parents, a family, a very elderly grandmother. Unfortunately – they see everything. And upset a lot stronger.. that makes me hurt even more.

It’s not just me… I understand that if this behavior of men is considered acceptable in our society, then they are behaving in relation to others. Girls, girls, women! Isn’t it time to remind you that we are the weaker sex? That no one is allowed to humiliate us, insult and even more so to raise a hand? Isn’t it time to love yourself and stop this hate? I do not fear You, I hate men. And just because I’m a girl, I can’t explain to You (as men told each other at all times), can’t do that! But! I’m so tired of that to be silent and justify Your actions won’t!”